Time to switch to a FIXED-RATE home loan?

The very real prospect of higher housing loan repayments is prompting many home owners to move to fixed-rate mortgages. These loans have rates that are set for a certain period, usually over two to five years, so customers have certainty about the level of their repayments. Many home owners are aware that the Singapore Interbank […]
Should you still get a SIBOR-based home loan?

Think of the last good dream you had. You know, like the one where you paid only $2 COE on your new car, or you were Left Shark in the Katy Perry Super Bowl halftime show? Then remember how you felt when you woke up and realised reality was still as shitty as it was […]
What to do about home loan as interest rates rise?

Home owners were caught by surprise last week when a key interest rate benchmark suddenly shot up after years of slumber. It was a reality check for many and a sign of things to come as the era of cheap money begins to draw to a close. Not that we are at sky-high rates yet […]